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ARL Message Codes - Group 1 

For relief emergency use
*ARL numbers should be spelled out at all times.
*See Routine Codes for Group 2 Codes

GROUP 1* Codes


One...............Everyone is safe here, please don't worry.

Two...............Coming home as soon as possible.

Three.............. I'm in (name of) hospital, receiving excellent care and recovering fine.

Four..............Only slight property damage here.  Do not be concerned about disaster reports.

Five..................I'm moving to new location, send no further mail or communication.  Will inform you of new address once                                 relocated.
Six................Will contact you as soon as possible.

Seven............Please reply  by amateur radio through the amateur delivering this message. This is a free public service.

Eight.............Need additional (state specifics) mobile or portable equipment for immediate emergency use.

Nine..............Additional (number of) radio operators needed to assist with emergency at this location.

Ten................Please contact (name).  Advise to standby and provide further emergency information instructions or assistance.

Eleven...........Establish amateur radio emergency communications with (call sign) on (station) MHz.

Twelve...........Anxious to hear from you, no word in some time.

Thirteen........Medical emergency exists here.

Fourteen.......Situation here becoming critical.  Losses and damage from (event) are increasing.

Fifteen..........Please advise on your condition and what help is needed.

Sixteen.........Property damage very severe in this area.

Seventeen....REACT communications services are also available.

Eighteen.......Please contact me as soon as possible at (location).

Nineteen.......Request health and welfare report on (name, address and telephone number).

Twenty..........Temporarily stranded, will need some assistance.  Please contact me at (location).

Twenty one....Search and rescue assistance is needed by local authorities here.  Advise availability.

Twenty two....Need accurate information on the extent and type of conditions now existing at your location. 

                           Please furnish this information and reply without delay.

Twenty three...Report at once the accessibility and best way to reach your location.

Twenty four.....Evacuation of residents from this area urgently needed.  Advise plans for help.

Twenty five......Furnish as soon as possible the weather conditions at your location.

Twenty six.......Help and care for evacuation of sick and injured from this location needed at once.





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